Prof. Dr.techn. Vesna Sesum-Cavic
Short CV
Associate Professor at University of Belgrade, Faculty of Civil
Adjunct faculty at TU Wien, Faculty of Informatics
Graduated mathematician (Dipl.Math) and Magistar of Computer Science (Mag.)
from University of Belgrade. Received a doctoral degree in Computer Science
from Vienna University of Technology (Dr. techn.).
The main research areas: artificial intelligence, swarm intelligence,
self-organization, theory and design of algorithms, complex systems,
scalable distributed systems, multi-agent systems,
space based computing.
International publications and teaching in the areas of optimization
methods, theory and applications of algorithms, swarm-based metaheuristics,
self-organization, distributed systems (computer sciences) Rand real and
complex analysis, differential equations, numerical analysis and linear
algebra (mathematics).
Conference chair, program committee member, organizer and coordinator of
international conferences.
Chair of the
IEEE Women in Computational Intelligence
Member of the
IEEE Women in Computational Intelligence
Member of the
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
Member of the
IEEE CIS Member Activities Committe
Member of the IEEE CIS Webinars sub-committee (2019)
Member of the IEEE Women in Engineering Committee (2019)
Member of the Task Force on Bio-Inspired Self-Organizing Collective Systems
Editorial Board member (Associate Editor) of the
IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems , and the
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence
Reviewer of journals: IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Applied
Soft Computing.