Kastriot Z., Sesum-Cavic V., Pantovic M., Todorcevic V., Zoto M.,
Radenovic S. A Unified Approach and Related Fixed-Point Theorems for
Suzuki Contractions, Symmetry, 16, 739, 2024.
Varun Bose C.S., Sesum-Cavic V., Udhayakumar R., Antline Nisha B.,
Al-Omari S., Hari Kishor M. A Note on the Nonlocal Controllability of
Hilfer Fractional Differential Equations via Measure of Noncompactness.
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, vol 42, no.2, p.399,
Sesum-Cavic V. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, University of
Belgrade, Faculty of Civil Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7518-235-1, 2023.
Sesum-Cavic V. Intelligent Information Retrieval in Distributed Systems,
Keynote Lecture, 4th International Symposium on Smart and Healthy
Cities, ISHC, 2022.
Malesevic B., Banjac B., Sesum-Cavic V., Korolija N. One algorithm for
testing annulling of mixed trigonometric polynomial functions on
boundary points. Telfor 2022.
Fabiano N., Kadelburg Z., Mirkov N., Sesum-Cavic V., Radenovic S. On
F-Contractions: A survey. Contemporary Mathematics, 3(3):327-342, 2022.
Sesum-Cavic V. Challenges in P2P Data Management: Clustering, 7th
International Conference on Software Engineering Advances, ICSEA 2022,
Lisbon, Portugal, 2022.
Stojiljkovic V., Radojevic S., Cetin E., Sesum-Cavic V., Radenovic S.
Sharp Bounds for Trigonometric and Hyperbolic Functions with Application
to Fractional Calculus. Symmetry, 14(6):1260, 2022.
Kuehn E., Sesum-Cavic V. A Framework-Based Approach for Flexible
Evaluation of Swarm-Intelligent Algorithms, Women in Computational
Intelligence, Key Advances and Perspectives on Emerging Topics,
Springer, pp. 393-412, 2022.
Stojiljkovic V., Fabiano N., Pantovic M., Radojevic S., Radenovic S.,
Sesum-Cavic V. Various Series Related to the Polylogarithmic Function,
Axioms 2022, 11, 174, 2022.
Stojiljkovic V., Fabiano N., Sesum-Cavic V. Harmonic series with
polylogarithmic functions, Military Technical Courier, 2022.
Sesum-Cavic V., Handling Complexity in Some Typical Problems of
Distributed Systems by Using Self-organizing Principles, Studies in
Computational Intelligence, Computational Intelligence, Merelo, J.J.,
Garibaldi, J., Barranco, A.L., Warwick, K., Madani, K. (Eds.), pp.
115-132, 2021.
Sesum-Cavic V., A Survey of Swarm-Inspired Metaheuristics in P2P
Systems: Some Theoretical Considerations and Hybrid Forms, International
Journal of Swarm Intelligence, 5(2): 244-282, 2020.
Sesum-Cavic V., Swarm-Based Metaheuristics, CET Computer Equipment and
Trade, Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-7991-430-9, 2020.
Sesum-Cavic V., Kuehn E., Fleischhacker L. Efficient Search and Lookup
in Unstructured P2P Overlay Networks inspired by Swarm Intelligence,
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence,
4(3):351-368, 2020.
Sesum-Cavic V., Crockett K., Auephanwiriyakul S., Srinivasan D. The Role
of the WCI Community in the IEEE CIM, IEEE Computational Intelligence
Magazine, 14(4), 2019.
Sesum-Cavic V. Swarm Intelligence in Distributed Systems Use-cases,
Keynote Lecture, 11th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
IJCCI, 2019.
Kuehn E., Crass S., Binder J., Sesum-Cavic V. XVSM Micro-Room Process
Modeler, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems,
28(2), 1950004, 2019.
Radenovic S., Kastriot Z., Dedovic N., Sesum-Cavic V., Ansari A.H.,
Bhaskar-Guo-Lakshmikantam- Ciric type results via new functions with
applications to integral equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation,
Elsevier, vol. 357,75-87, 2019.
Lazovic G., Sesum-Cavic V., Mitrovic S., Radojevic S., Dedovic N.,
Chaudhary N.I., Safety Times for Multi-Stage Assembly System,
Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2018, Article ID 8208049, 10
pages, 2018.
Aydi H., Barakat M.A., Mitrovic Z, Sesum-Cavic V., A Suzuki Type
Multi-Valued Contraction on Weak Partial Metric Spaces and Applications,
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2018:270, 2018.
Vujakovic J., Auwallu A., Sesum-Cavic V., Some new results for Riech
type mapping on cone b-metric spaces over Banach algebras, University
thought - Publication in Natural Sciences, 2018.
Sesum-Cavic V., Kuehn E., Zischka S., Swarm-Inspired Routing Algorithms
for Unstructured P2P Networks, International Journal of Swarm
Intelligence Research, IJSIR: Volume 9, Issue 3, Article 2, 2018.
Ahmed A., Salunke J. N., Sesum-Cavic V., Some new results for
generalized T-contractions in cone s-generalized b-metric space over
Banach algebra, Journal of Advanced Mathematical Studies, 2018.
Radenovic S., Ansari A.H., Saleem N., Dosenovic T., Sesum-Cavic V.,
Vujakovic J., C-class Functions on Some Fixed Point Results in Ordered
Partial Metric Spaces via Admissible Mappings, NS Journal of Mathematics
(NSJOM), 2018.
Crass S., Kuehn E., Sesum-Cavic V., Watzke H. An Open Event-Driven
Architecture for Reactive Programming and Lifecycle Management in
Space-Based Middleware, Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and
Advanced Applications SEAA, Vienna, Austria, 2017.
Vorotovic G., Petrovic N., Mitrovic C., Sesum-Cavic V., Possibilities of
BLOB (Binary Large OBject) and CLOB (Character Large Object) integration
into the core of IoT and using the SQL platform for distributing a large
amount of data to HTML, JAVA and php platforms, Emerging Trends and
Applications of the Internet of Things, (editors: Kocovic P., Behringer
R., Ramachandran M., Mihajlovic R.), book chapter, IGI Global, 2017.
Sesum-Cavic V., Kuehn E., Kanev D., Bio-Inspired Search Algorithms for
Unstructured P2P Overlay Networks, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation
29(2016):73-93, Elsevier, 2016.
Kühn E., Šešum-Čavić V., Schmid T., Dynamic Migration of Cloud Services,
accepted for publication 3rd Symposium on Network Cloud Computing and
Applications, IEEE NCCA, Rome, Italy, 2014.
Craß S., Hirsch J., Kühn E., Šešum-Čavić V., Modeling a Flexible
Replication Framework for Space-Based Computing, Communications in
Computer and Information Science (CCIS), Springer Verlag, J. Cordeiro
and M. van Sinderen (editors), Springer, vol.457:256-272, 2014.
Mitrovic C., Petrovic N., Vorotovic G., Šešum-Čavić V., Stamenkovic D.,
A numerical-analytical method for determination of the impedance of
rotating structures by using the software module, 39th Conference of
Maintenance of Machines and Equipments (OMO 2014), Faculty of Mechanical
Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia, 2014.
Šešum-Čavić V., Self-Organizing Principles in Coping with Complexity of
Distributed Software Systems, invited talk, Institute of Science and
Technology Austria (IST), 2013.
Craß S., Hirsch J., Kühn E., Šešum-Čavić V., An Adaptive and Flexible
Replication Mechanism for Space Based Computing, International
Conference of Software and Data Technology, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2013.
Šešum-Čavić V., Kühn E., Algorithms and Framework for Comparison of
Bee-Intelligence Based Peer-to-Peer Lookup, accepted for publ.,
International Conference on Swarm Intelligence (ICSI 2013), Harbin,
China, 2013.
Šešum-Čavić V., Tuba M., Rankov S., The Influence of Self-Organization
on Reducing Complexity in Dynamic Complex Environments, 12th WSEAS
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge
Engineering and Data Bases (AIKED '13), Cambridge, UK, 2013.
Kühn E., Marek A., Scheller T., Šešum-Čavić V., Vögler M., A Space-Based
Generic Pattern for Self-Initiative Load Clustering Agents, 14th
International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages, Sweden,
Šešum-Čavić V., Tuba M., Rankov S., The Influence of Self-Organization
on Reducing Complexity in Dynamic Complex Environments, 21st European
Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna, 2012.
Šešum-Čavić V., Kuehn E., Self-Organized Load Balancing through Swarm
Intelligence, Next Generation Data Technologies for Collective
Computational Intelligence, Studies in Computational Intelligence,
Springer Verlag book chapter, vol. 352, pp. 195-224, 2011.
Šešum-Čavić V., Kühn E., Comparing configurable parameters of swarm
intelligence algorithms for dynamic load balancing, Proceedings of the
International Workshop Self-Adaptive Network, IEEE/SASO/SAN 2010,
Budapest, Hungary, 2010.
Šešum-Čavić V., Kühn E., Applying swarm intelligence algorithms for
dynamic load balancing to a Cloud Based Call Center, Proceedings of the
4th IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing
Systems, IEEE/SASO 2010, Budapest, Hungary, 2010.
Šešum-Čavić V., Kühn E., A Swarm Intelligence Appliance to the
Construction of an Intelligent Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network, Proceedings
of the 4th International Conference on Complex, Intelligent and Software
Intensive Systems, Poland, 2010.
Kühn E., Šešum-Čavić V., A Space-Based Generic Pattern for
Self-Initiative Load Balancing Agents, Engineering Societies in the
Agents World, Netherlands, 2009; Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Engineering Societies in the Agents World X, vol. 5881, pp. 17-32, 2009.
Šešum-Čavić V., Kühn E., Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network based on Swarm
Intelligence, Engineering Societies in the Agents World, Netherlands,
2009; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Engineering Societies in the
Agents World X, vol. 5881, pp. 65-67, 2009.
Šešum-Čavić V., Kühn E., Instantiation of a Generic Model for Load
Balancing with Intelligent Algorithms, 3rd International Workshop on
Self-Organizing Systems, Austria, 2008; Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, Self-Organizing Systems, vol. 5343, pp. 311-317, 2008.
Kühn E., Ruhdorfer A., Šešum-Čavić V., Asynchronous replication conflict
classification, detection and resolution for heterogeneous data grids,
Proceedings of the International Conference of Software and Data
Technology, Spain, 2007.
Arandjelovic I., Lazovic G., Šešum V., Jandrlic A., Golubovic D.,
Introduction to Fortran, Vedes, Belgrade, ISBN: 2006ISBN867824030X,
Šešum V., Cvetkovic D., Genetic Algorithms for Internet Search:
Examining the Sensitivity of Internet Search by Varying the Relevant
Components of Genetic Algorithm, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Advances in Infrastructure for E-Business, Science, and
Education on the Internet, Italy, 2002.
Šešum V., Tosic D., Genetic Algorithms and Smoothing Filters in Solving
the Geophysical Inversion Problem, YU Journal of Operational Research,
vol.12(2), pp. 215-226, 2002.
Šešum V., Kratica J., Tosic D., Solving the Geophysical Inversion
Problem Using Genetic Algorithms, YU Journal of Operational Research,
vol.10(2), pp. 283-292, 2000.
Šešum V., Kratica J., Some mathematic methods of solving the geophysical
inversion problem, Proceedings of the 25th Jupiter Conference,
pp.2.61-2.66, Belgrade, 1999.
Kratica J., Ljubic I., Šešum V., Filipovic V., Some methods of solving
the travelling salesperson problem using genetic algorithms, Proceedings
of the 2nd International Symposium of Industrial Engineering SIE'98, pp.
281-284, Belgrade, 1998.
Kratica J., Radojevic S., Šešum V., A method of improving the execution
time of simple genetic algorithm, Proceedings of the 23rd Jupiter
Conference, pp.457-462, Belgrade, 1997.
Šešum V., Kratica J., Radojevic S., Parallelisation of algorithms for
solving systems of linear equations, Proceedings of the 23rd Jupiter
Conference, pp.447-452, Belgrade, 1997.
Kratica J., Filipovic V., Šešum V., Tošic D., Solving of the
Uncapacitated Warehouse Location Problem Using a Simple Genetic
Algorithm, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Material
Handling and Warehousing, pp.3.33-3.37, Belgrade, 1996.
Šešum V., Parallel algorithms for solving linear equations, Proceedings
of the Symposium SinfoN'96, 3, Serbia, 1996.
Technical Reports
Kühn E., Šešum-Čavić V., Self-Organizing Coordinating Management
Infrastructures for the Supervision of SLAs in Legacy Service Software,
Technical Report TU-Vienna, E185/1, SBC-Group, 2007.
Sesum-Cavic V., Kuehn E., Lazovic G., On Some Theoretical Considerations
for Peer-to-Peer Overlay Network based on Bee Intelligence, Technical
Report TU-Vienna, E185/1, SBC-Group, 2011.
Šešum-Čavić V., Kuehn E., Peer-to-Peer Lookup Based on Slime Mold
Intelligence, Technical Report TU-Vienna, E185/1, SBC-Group, 2013.
Kuehn E., Sesum-Cavic V., Towards a General Methodology for Design,
Implementation, Evaluation and Recommendation Process for Bio-Inspired
Algorithms, Technical Report TU-Vienna, E185/1, SBC-Group, 2014.
Academic Events and Membership
Chair of the session Biologically and Socially Inspired Self-* Systems,
Symposium L. Self-* Systems Biological Foundations and Technological
Applications, 21st European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research
EMCSR 2012 Conference
Organization of
SEFM 2016: International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods &
Publicity Chair & Program Committee Member
Program Committee Member of
SEFM 2017: International Conference
on Software Engineering and Formal Methods
Program Committee Member of
ICSEA 2018, ICSEA 2019, ICSEA 2020: International Conference on Software
Engineering Advances
Paper Reviewer: COORDINATION 2014, COORDINATION 2015, SEFM 2017,
Project Peer Reviewer of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
Keynote Speaker and Chair of the Keynote Session at the
11th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence
IJCCI 2019
Chair of the
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society/ Women in Computational
Member of the
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society/ Women in Computational
Member of the
IEEE Computational Intelligence Society
- Member of the IEEE Women in Engineering